1. What state am I in?
I'm in North Carolina. I will be starting my third school year teaching here, but taught for four years in Ohio previously.
2. My current teaching position
I will be starting my second year teaching Kindergarten.
3. My teaching experience
I will be starting my 7th year teaching= five years in third grade and two years in Kindergarten. But, if you count all the hours logged in my mom's high heels teaching my stuffed animals my homework, I should be qualifying for retirement soon.
4. When I started blogging
A few weeks ago! I have been reading teaching blogs for a long time and finally decided to dive in. I hope to make my blog a great place for my students parents as well as the teaching community.
5. Blogging Tip/Resource
Based on the other blogs I read, I love the labels sections. That way, if I'm looking for "back to school" ideas, I can click on that label and see everything relevant to that.
Welcome to the blogging world!
The Idea Backpack